by Nathalie Vin

Artwork Description


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Here we are in 3011 and nature has its own ways of survival. Strong and powerful, it will always win, proliferate and adapt. This is a vision of the future, the sky is green and grey, vegetation has evolved and become robotic. It is a freezing flow showing nature’s almost automative beauty, its own conscious soul. Nature is in control despite the polluted skies, civilization is in decline. It is a multi-faceted vision, almost a view of this future world under a microscope, under magnified glass. It is bright and brittle, but hypnotic and dangerous in its beauty. This mosaic requires a rich mix of materials to give the colour a cold and clinical stare. It needed the shallow ear-shaped shells lined with mother-of-pearl that only the abalone can give. It needed the iridescence of glass and silver tiles, Venetian mirrors interspersed with metal and lenticular 3D objects, crowned with gorgeous brightly-coloured glass gems.

Artwork Details

