Sobre el Artista

Henry FERRIER was born in Marseille. His parents were hard workers from the Cévennes. At an early age he was fascinated by the mystery of lines and colors. For want of means, he painted on boards and brown paper. Then came the war. It brought with it the necessity of resisting injustice and man’s folly. « Painting can be a means of fighting war-imposed silences. » He also discovered books, these fascinating objects new in his home environment. An indefatigable explorer, with hypersensitivity always on the ready, he paints and writes in the quiet of his studio in Provence, in the heart of ‘les Alpilles.’ He exhibits in France and other countries, a door open to the world. « My painting is a log book. I try to make my expression reflect my structures and emotions as closely as possible. As soon as I begin to have ideas that I would be inclined to illustrate, I stop everything and await the unique instant of forgetting technique, these moments of osmosis between myself and the environment where the hand is freed, where the act of movement is received as a gift. » « Henry FERRIER, the hand and the spirit. Mysterious, familiar, dazzling. In the painting process, the technique disappears within the emotion. Each canvas is an effervescence, a whirlwind, which contains occasional landmarks. A recall to balance and understanding, a gift from the painter. Like words of love within the torment of light. » Françoise Maurin - « La Provence » newspaper. « The expression of FERRIER merges and goes beyond figurative and abstract to reach another translation of the real… a sense of the expanses and synthetic vision that one seldom meets... » Stephane Rey – Brussels