Ray Lengele

Ray Lengele

Sobre el Artista

Ray Lengelé, belgo-canadian artist, painter and illustrator, born in the Belgian Congo, Africa. Than Moved to Belgium, Europe. Graduated from the Academy of Arts in Brussels. Enjoyed a successful career as a commercial artist, winning several awards. Presently lives and works now in Montreal since 2002, Canada, as an independent artist. ° For many years he was exploring different techniques and new mediums like digital software. ° Nowadays, he concentrates his activities on acrylic painting and illustration in their most caricatured sense, he is using his vast experience from many disciplines in graphic art to his advantage. ° Took part in many publications (ex: cartoons in "Cités Nouvelles"), advertisements and packaging all over Europe and North America before beginning painting his own work. ° Painting, which had been secondary for a number of years, is now becoming a full-time activity. ° Like some of his favorite painters from the Pop Art movement, he debuted his career in the graphic design business, creating cartoons, ads and packaging. ° Ray is usually characterized as colorized, funny and witty with a very original style. https://www.lengele.com