mario cespedes

mario cespedes

Sobre el Artista

I was born in La Paz, Bolivia. My hometown is surrounded by eternal snow peck mountains and a line of traditions and millennial indian cultures that follows the Andes chain corridor. As a young man, I wanted to see the other side of the South America's portfolio and I found Brazil. My dormant art appetite suddenly started to blosson. My Indian roths were part of my bag pack, but who would resist the radiant colors of the Brazilian Rain Forest, the sound of the paroquets, the beauty of the Atlantic Ocean, the mighty Amazon river, the seeds never stop to grow up ,inside me. My hands were stuck with brushes, colors everywhere and started to full fill my dream. During my art career in Brazil I collected many art awards, and exhibited my paintings locally and internationally. By the year of 1980, my artwork was chosen to represent Brazil in two international art events, The XII and XIII International Biennial of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Then it was time to discover more America's, then with my wife Eneida, my 2 years old son Rafael, headed to California, what a beautiful land, my doughter Aimara was born 2 years later. Inspiration, opportunity, competition in my new home, make me artistically grow up quickly. My paintings are very colorful, with heavy textures, with a blend of mixed media and a touch of contemporary style. Theme is about the Amazon Rain Forest in Brazil, that includes visual statements about deforestation, pollution, or in some cases fairy tales from the fisherman villages along the river. My artwork was profiled by art magazines, newspapers, TV. art catalogs and books. Also it was a recipient of international and national awards. My public art works includes the murals at the Graham Public Library, 1900 E .Firestone Blvd, Los Angeles,CA., commissioned by the City of Los Angeles, a mural at Chandler Blvd. and Vineland Ave. N. Hollywood, CA., commissioned by The Valley S. Regional Arts Council, L. Angeles.CA.