Alex BOUCAUD says AL'

Alex BOUCAUD says AL'

Sobre el Artista

Alex BOUCAUD: Mas'Art Chainsaw. Scarlett JESUS, art critic. Alex BOUCAUD is a self-taught artist who has just expose to Nainsouta Remy en Pointe-à-Pitre, in early February, 2012, fifty sculptures, fruits of labor of the last three years. Unlike Haitian sculptors not working iron, although however, as the artists of the Grand'rue of Port-au-Prince, he is also adept at the art of recovery. Giving a second life to trees felled by service roadworks Sainte-Anne. It's sometimes funny universe, sometimes disturbing a brown untamed we book with totem poles and horrific warriors farmhouse carved into the wood with a chainsaw. According to a technique of "wild", refusing mallets, chisels and other tools of a taught and codified practice. A contemporary German artist Georg BASELITZ just presented at the Modern Art Museum in Paris, using the same technique, to the actions of an art, said "first", which Gauguin had sucked his side. The handling of the saw Alex BOUCAUD allows to shape, extremely rapidly, to an imaginary that inhabits it. While printing in the flesh wood restrained violence, a violence that echoes the one that had to suffer his distant ancestors. Track given the saw blade, combat witnesses which the creative artist engaged with matter is sometimes visible. Once cut, the wood was then carefully sanded, smoothed, sometimes tinted and shiny with wax, to give the appearance of skin so smooth they call sensually caress. However, the resistance elements to this "smoothed" -embranchements, nodules, roughness of bark cracks and fissures- are not only preserved, but even enhanced. As all signs of this vital impulse, this eroticism that drives deep elements of nature and to which the artist will associate thick lips, exorbitées orbits, but nipples, women slots and phallus. In a combination of curves and bends, sometimes depressed sometimes bump, reflecting suggestive movements of the body inhabited by desire. Bodies that, under the leadership of the "Spirit" of Gwo ka, are like possessed by formerly forbidden erotic dances. The Gwo ka, several works which refer, expresses the desire for the artist to find true inspiration in Africa. And specifically in African sculpture of certain populations, such as Lobi, were never submitted. These works express a desire to return, beyond acculturation suffered and moral constraints with a worldview in which men lived according to the laws of nature. Thus, if the interest of the artist is doing almost exclusively on the representation of the human, the animal world remains close to him. This is evident in sculptures such as "Kakos" (a monkey with acrobatic postures), "Bamboula" or "Hearthquaker" which represent both kinds of devils. But humans can also humorously be animalized, as is the case with "Lapoul". This is to make fun of a fréquente- attitude "to the chicken" - which is to escape an unpleasant reality instead of confronting it. -any Derision as autodérision- is a way for some people facing a world that is hostile, to distance with it. What was initially a survival posture becomes a critical weapon that allows its user to free, through laughter. The sculpture "Nostra Danus," subtitled "the eye of the poet prophesies" gives the most perfect illustration. What is represented is also causing the pun referred to by the title. A character, wearing rings and slave chains, and whose body is like split into two parts, rests on the ground on all four limbs. In an acrobatic contortion spilled face, he seems to want to see his crotch, while on land between its four members stands a phallus. If the sculptures Alex BOUCAUD are figurative, they are away from the realistic, however, and openly displayed an artistic intention through real work on volume, shape and material. The carved faces, by exaggerating their physiognomy traits reminiscent of caricature, more a matter of the grotesque mas that of imitation. The characters are also frequently androgynous male and female at a time. As are the totems, which -such of the Sacred Wood seem charged with a spiritual function, that celebrate EROS and fertility. The approach of Alex BOUCAUD, like those of Louis LATCHEZ and Helenon Martinique, thus opens up against a cultural reaction to a Western approach favored the intellectual approach to the detriment of the sensory. To illustrate this approach, Alex BOUCAUD offers his "Origin of the World," a woman's pelvis in which gender is represented by a long dark tear. A work in the round, entitled "You and moa, a great story," on which is engraved on the other side, a male. But a work that keeps all its ambiguity and that can be interpreted as much as a promise of happiness as the trace of the original rape on a slave ship, and begat a whole people. It is this ambiguity that gives such a work his enigmatic character, quality, according to the philosopher and theorist ADORNO is the nature of art. A contemporary art hybrid nature, Afro-Caribbean, where Alex BOUCAUD agrees personally, this exhibition contributing to enrich a reflection that now concerns the future of post-colonial societies. March 8, 2012. PROFESSIONAL WEBSITE : ***** DISTINCTION: - MEMBER WORLD ART ACADEMIA : AMBASSADOR AND OFFICER. ( Airmagues, France )2015. - ACADEMIC MEMBER OF THE COMPANY: "ARTS-SCIENCES LETTER". Paris 2015 : TIN MEDAL - MEMBER OF THE EUROPEAN INSTITUTE OF CONTEMPORARY ART: SILVER GILT MEDAL ( Toulon, France ) 2015. - MEMBER OF THE EUROPEAN ACADEMY OF ARTS-FRANCE. 2015. - DROUOT LISTING OF ARTISTS (GUID ARTS, ARTISTS SIDES, EXPERT OPINION) .2008 - "ARTIST-AMI" WHO'S WHO OF ART CLUB INTERNATIONAL. 2015. - MEMBER OF THE HOUSE OF ARTISTS. 2008. - MEMBER OF SNSP (National Union Of Visual Artists and Sculptors). 2008 - MEMBER OF THE ADAGP (Society Authors in the Graphic and Plastic Arts). 2008. ***** INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION ARTAVITA / 11th ARTAVITA ART CONTEST 2015 (USA) - Organizer: WWAB (USA) (World Wide Art Book INC) - Distinction obtained: CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENCE - About 415 participants, Alex BOUCAUD among 100 nominees. ***** INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION ARTAVITA / 12 ARTAVITA ART CONTEST 2015 (USA) - Organizer: WWAB (USA) (World Wide Art Book INC) - Distinction obtained: CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENCE - About 532 participants, Alex BOUCAUD among 100 nominees. ***** MEDAL TIN "ARTS-SCIENCES LETTER" in Paris 2015. ***** 2 nd ARTSLANT CONTEST "NEW YORK" 2015: PRIZE WINNER category: Sculpture ***** GRAND INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION OF CONTEMPORARY ARTS OF THE EUROPEAN INSTITUTE OF CONTEMPORARY ART: ART ACHIEVEMENT AWARD (Artistic Achievement Award for his contribution to the radiation of Art at the European scale). Toulon, 2015 ***** " ARTtour INTERNATIONAL : ATIM'S top 60 MASTERS OF CONTEMPORARY ART 2015 ( United States, Canada, Italia, etc... )