Burcu Erkal Salman

Burcu Erkal Salman

Sobre el Artista

Burcu Erkal Salman She was born 05.03.1979 in ?stanbul-Turkey. No Wonder began before the student years ,has continued with school exhibitions. She received the first line of related disciplines during the stylist training in 1995. Then she enrolled in Los Angeles American ?ntercontinental University for fashion Design education. Headed by studying in a special painting workshop in 1999. She say ‘’ goodbye to crayons in her childhood,she continued her way with oil colors’’.. Participate in three exhibitions, between 2000-2004 ,she opened her first solo exhibition in 2004. ?n 2005, she took a break due to painting because of health problems. The period 2000-2005 her style was figurative. Her style returned sürrealist painting in 2011. she like to use all materials ,colors and mix technichs on canvas since 2013. According to Burcu Erkal Salman ‘ painting is my soul and dreams to share freely, without telling for a single Word. My son will tell his mother to leave the colors’’ Participated in group&solo exhibitions: 05.05.2000- Akatlar Cultural Center 01.06.2001- Akatlar Cultural Center 2002- Ecuador Art Gallery 16.11.2004- The Marmara Taksim ‘’silent dreams’’ 18.02.2013- Art 212 Gallery ‘’@ the canvas feminity’’ 17.01.2014- Thessaloniki ?nternational Art Symposium. ( Greece) 01.03.2014- Balat Culture House ‘’international womens day’’ 21.11.2014- ?nternational Art Exhibition- Czestochowa Museum. ( Poland)