Subrata Chatterjee

Subrata Chatterjee

Sobre el Artista

My mother always told me that everything is perishable except " Truth and Beauty". Without a micro dot of escape, within the deep core of heart, she always satiated my thirst to know about art. She sowed the first seed of a beautiful sapling--- "Drawing" . My artistic venture is a soul gift of her. She was extremely introvert in nature and never disclosed her emotions. But, in solitary, often, she shared her deep feelings of higher spiritual practices and art with me. She discussed about abstract art, form beyond reality, juxtaposition of colour and finally practice and work. Abstraction within realism was her favourite subject. Our scripture congegrated that, "The soul of art creations is the extraordinary pleasure that is derived ultimately from the relish of that supreme self which is gained from self realisation, akin to the self realisation of the Advaitins. It is through the part of emotional contemplation , at its highest level, one can attain such realisation. The true art creator is also a seeker of truth, and by virtue of creations, he attains the realisation of that supreme self." -- An Out Line Of Painting by Ritabory Roy Moulik Living in the age of Technology and Trade we have been ,constantly, chanelising even the last droplet of energy to empower commercial dynamo beyond limits. And, in the whirlpool of mullah and loss, the Academic flavour has been erasing rapidly. I started my journey to try to get a "Linear Flavour" and relish the joy of Line and that will be a great Visual Impression. Graduated in Arts (Calcutta University) P.G.D.P.Sc ( Psychology) Bachelor of Fine Art (in Painting), I.K.S.V Referred site: : http://