Ellen Grael

Ellen Grael

Sobre el Artista

PASTELPAINTINGS, mixed media on paper. 2018-2020 The waters of Venice serie. About: Inspirational Venice. Have a look at my website: https://www.ellengrael.nl / photo gallery Because I have been deeply connected to nature for years this has been reflected in this serie. During my recently visits to Venice, the floating sea-weeds, the colors of the Lagoon and the many Islands around the city captured my attention and where inspiring for this new series. Its not the ancient city but the influences of nature and the atmosphere of the waters around this city I gave form. At my first visit to Venice I noticed close tot the central station lines on the wall with marks about the danger of the rising waters through the years and what's going to happen without interference. A second Atlantis..? These study-trips to Venice weren't visits coming out of the blue. At seventeen I went for the first time for a study-trip to Italy admiring the many Renaissance artists like Michelangelo, Botticelli and more. and they where later of great influences in my artistic career. Learning more about the history of Venice and the many famous artists like Veronese and Tiepolo. At my first visit to Venice in 2018 I noticed close to the station lines on the wall with marks about the danger of the rising waters and what's going to happen to the city without inteference. Its known that the Netherlands is a country far below sea-level and having over the ages a controled water-management to protect our landscapes and historical cities. And even in the also touristic Amsterdam the water in the famous canals are of rather good quality and full of fishing birds. When I was in Venice dispite the blue-green colors, the murky and cloudy waters where opaque, I was wondering if there was still some fish swimming around. The Italian government has 20 ago commissioned the building of a dam in the lagoon but the constructions are capped. It is guessing the reasons. In the Lagoon and canals of Venice, there are many boats with odor and noise pollution while you try to enjoy your consumption and the view on the quay. It seems that all the beauty of this historical city disappears because of so much nuisance and neglect. Venice with its important ancient and contemporary artists, architecture and history needs renovations if its to remain visible for later generation. I started drawing at an early age. In my teens I followed private classes with a number of different artists. Beside the Dutch golden age and the many Italian Renaissance masters, I have great admirations for the 16th century Japanese wash ink technique masters like Toyo Sesshu and Hasegawa Tohaku, as well as the 18th century pastelmasters like the Italian Rosalba Carriera and the French Quentin de la Tour.