Roland van Loon

Roland van Loon

Sobre el Artista

I love culture and cultures. I love observing its calamities, it’s passions for life and its “joie de vivre”. I like what’s been passed down through the generations through dance, families, survival and love. I am inspired by different kinds of passions for living, like being a parent, an artist and a salsa dancer. I believe the impulse to paint is inspired and should not be subordinate to skill and technique. That is why I paint from memory. It allows my subconscious to open up its memory of what I saw and felt. The technique many times comes from the demands of the subject naturally while evolving and experimenting. Roland van Loon graduated with a degree in Fine Arts from the University of Hawaii where he was the apprentice of master painter and “National Treasure”, Jean Charlot. With Charlot as his mentor, van Loon assisted with major murals commissioned by the State of Hawaii. Roland is one of the honored artists in America who is the recipient of the Ford Foundation Traveling Grant. He toured Europe studying art under this distinguished umbrella. Roland currently resides in Santa Fe, NM and visits Hawaii often where he has a house he built in Hilo on the Big Island.