Jane Magarigal

Jane Magarigal

Sobre el Artista

I have been a fine artist and a commercial artist my entire life though I wasn't always aware of my proclivities in the realm of art until my mid twenties. Before that, I hung out with artists of all sorts and thought how wonderful and interesting "these" people were and are. I just liked being around creative people. Then one day I picked up a camera and my art career began. I had searched and searched for something to do and upon picking up my first camera discovered my calling. Entering the commercial realm put an end to my photographic career as commercial work just didn't suit me. Thereafter, I attempted to be 'legitimate' and went back to school: receiving a Masters in Social Science. The void was never filled, however until I began working as a graphic artist at a PBS station: in time becoming a producer, director, graphic artist, photographer, videographer and editor for the station. Concomitantly, I started my own graphics business and decided to go to art school to advance this career. It was at the moment of picking up my first brush and looking at a blank sheet of paper that I realized what I'd been missing all those years: my need for self expression. Since then, my entire focus has been directed towards creating the type of work that you see here: a true exploration of my mind. Fundamentally a symbologist my work tells the stories of my day to day experience including, most recently, my journey as a practicing Buddhist. Though my work is a conversation with myself, it is even more important for me that the viewer creates their own stories as they journey through my work. I am happy to say that this desire has been successful.