Sobre el Artista ANDO PHOTOGRAPHY LLC Bruce G Ando Graduate of The Famous Photographers, Writers, Artists School. Apprentice at Charles Rachum Studio ( 6 yrs.) Combat photographer USMC ( 1966 to 1968. ) Senior staff photographer, Perkin Elmer Corp (5yrs.) Freelance photography since 1976. As a professional photographer, I photograph people and products in my studio and on location. My assignments have included photographing annual reports, facilities brochures, national advertisements, in-house magazines, catalogs, and more. I have listed some of my clients and enclosed examples of my work. Clients include. A.T.& T. Annual Report G.E. Annual Report I.B.M. Annual Report PepsiCo annual United States Tobacco Annual Acme Annual Memry Annual G.T.& E. Annual Report Pitney Bowes. Annual Report General Signal Corporation Annual Report Stauffer Chemical Corporation Annual Report Moore Annual Report Inc Design NYC Executone Corporation Perkin Elmer Corporation Annual Report Photronics Annual Report United States Surgical Corporation Annual Report *Masons of Connecticut Weston Mag. Nature Photography Time Life books on Nature Photography Popular Photography “Cover & 6 page article on The Ct. Wet Lands. Popular Photography Annual Annual Report Cover, Greenwich Audubon Society Ct. Magazine, Cover &13-page color article. Dept. of Environmental Protection, Reprint of Ct. Magazine article One-man shows ------------- Perkin Elmer Corp. Seasonal study of a salt marsh. Silvermine Guild of Artist’s The Ct. Salt Marsh. “A seasonal study”. Rittenhouse Sq. Museum. Philadelphia, Pa. Art Photography of a Salt Marsh. Museum of Art, Science & Industry Bpt. Ct. Seasonal study of a salt marsh. Weston Town Hall Seasonal study of a salt marsh. Time Life books on Nature Photography Popular Photography “Cover & 6 page article on The Ct. Wet Lands. Popular Photography Annual Annual Report Cover, Greenwich Audubon Society Ct. Magazine, Cover &13-page color article. Dept. of Environmental Protection, Reprint of Ct. Magazine article U S Air Magazine. Article on The Ct. Wet Lands Personal Projects Volunteer with The Weston Volunteer Fire Dept. 21yrs. Trip Advisor with “Builders Beyond Borders”. Westport, CT. 8yrs. Weston CT. Kiwanis Club. 24 Spruce Hill Road Weston, CT 06883 email Cell 203-856-4651 F 203 544 9746