Gyuri Lohmuller

Gyuri Lohmuller

Sobre el Artista

Well, I have not a spectaculous biography. No much exhibitions, no awards, no success. I'm self-educated in the arts field, without schools or oficial studies. I can say that I have really discovered my painting 20 years ago, because I 've never seen someone painting, not even how to begin. It came all alone by many testing. After a while I've sold a few paintings and that gave me the courage to continue . It was very difficult because of my themes, in the time of full-blown communism in Romania I was forbidden . Since that time I reach to survive by my paintings but very, very hard. Even today, I have not money to buy a photocamera to make captures of my artworks.  I left my job 20 years ago takeing the risk, but believing in art. So , life is good , but we must look at the full part of the glass !        My exhibition record dosn’t include much, because I always prefered to work in silence, only me and my art. I discovered my own painting and my own technique, I may say, because I have never seen someone painting for many years after I began to paint. Some of my teachers helped me through the way, I can mention the well-known painter Komisarsky who was of great help, in Resita during my 3 years studies at the Popular School of Arts. Back to the high-school in Gataia, prof. Lia Berghea had discovered my talent and has continually stimulated my ideas. Then, working in the psychiatric hospital, I really became who I am thanks to the great doctor Radu Ricman, former director, to whom I had many rich cultural encounters. He offered me the chance to expose in BURGUNDY, in Fontenay - La forge, in January 1993.  In 1997 I had an exhibition in Gataia, my home town, at the “National House”. Then, it was the private gallery Jacky Pitaud in Monbart, France who exposed my works, in 1997 -1998, a private famous gallery in Budapest,in 1998 and in 2005 I participated at a group exhibition in Austria at Obenwart.  The few articles concerning my art were written in the local newspapers: –“The contorsionist of the paintbrush”,author: Sorin Moraru,in “Timpolis” -“A great anonymous”, by prof. Herbert Weissman, -“Gataia – more tempting than Munchen” by Claudiu Aldea -“Choosen by the faith”, by Mihaela Stoicoiu  Also, some years ago I had an interview at the national television.All this helped me resist through the long years from the moment I quit my job, but believing in art, to nowadays. I reach to survive from my paintings, but very hard. Also, I lost much not being able to take good pictures of my paintings, because I didn’t afford to buy a good photo-camera.  But for me, art is something vital, I feed wit it, it’s something inseparably to my body.