Helene Messier

Helene Messier

Sobre el Artista

Although a native of Montreal, it is in the mountains of Brome-Missisquoi that Helene Messier has found serenity. This quietude, source of revival, leads her to spread on a canvas the vibrant colors that she carries within herself. Her sensibility, paired with her expressive character, guides her creations of abstract expressionist works. Light, vitality, optimism, spontaneity are the key messages she wishes to convey. She plays with colors and forms ; they make her moods visible. She enjoys every moment of freedom that abstract art allows her. With her, the marriage of colors in an approach of movement inspires freedom and joy of living. Passionate about art and painting, animated by an insatiable curiosity, she paints carried away by the inspiration of the moment, supported by her imaginary universe.