Véronique VALLET

Véronique VALLET

Sobre el Artista

Artist contemporary French painter, I work the oil painting and tempera for over 25 years. My experience has allowed me to explore all the possibilities that art can offer. I am currently working two major themes: Landscapes Sea (series Suspend Time) and Apples (series Apples Fail), which result in variations and diversions the fragility of life. Figurative art is a universal language, it can translate ideas and create links between figurative and abstract art. The transmission of knowledge and and the sharing of ideas is paramount for me. Show his work is to show that one is. I exhibit in France and abroad. More information: http://veroniquevallet.overblog.com Expositions: 2020 - «Salon de Juillet» - Galerie Thuillier, exposition collective, Paris, France. 2020 - «Art at Roma» Arte Borgo Gallery, exposition collective, Rome, Italie. 2020 - «Le Prix de la Presse» - Galerie Thuillier, exposition collective, Paris, France. 2019 - Art Shopping Paris, Carrousel du Louvre, exposition collective, France. 2019 - Salon d’Arts Plastiques de La Rochelle, exposition collective,, France. 2018 - Spectrum Miami, Foire Internationale d’Art, exposition collective, Miami, USA. 2018 - Galerie Kubota, «L’art européen à Tokyo», exposition collective, AFRAC, Tokyo, Japon. 2018 - Ateneo de Madrid, exposition collective, «Little Treasures», TIA, Madrid, Espagne. 2018 - Entreprise internationale Altran Technologies, exposition personnelle, Rennes, France. 2018 - Entreprise Internationale Astellia, exposition personnelle, Rennes, France. 2018 - Académie Arts-Sciences-Lettres, exposition collective Galerie Thuillier, Paris, France. 2017 - Galerie Thuillier, exposition collective, Paris, France. 2017 - SM’ART, exposition collective, Trevisan International Art, Aix-en-Provence, France. 2017 - Galerie Kubota, «Rendez-vous in Tokyo», exposition collective, Tokyo, Japon. 2017 - Trevisan International Art, «Unique Realities», Ateneo, Madrid, Espagne. 2017 - Trevisan International Art, «Little Treasures» Galerie de Marchi, Bologne, Italie. 2016 - Galerie Mona Lisa, exposition collective, Paris, France. 2016 - Artavita Gallery, exposition collective, ArtExpo NY, New York City, USA. 2016 - Trevisan International Art, «Little Treasures 2016», Galerie De Marchi, Bologne, Italie. 2016 - Gateway Art Center, exposition collective, New York City, USA. 2016 - Artavita Gallery, exposition collective, Art Spectrum Miami, Floride, USA. 2015 - Salon d’Automne International France-Russie, exposition collective, Saint-Petersburg, Russie. 2014 - Agora Gallery, exposition collective, «The French Perspective: Contemporary Art of France» New York City, NY, USA. 2014 - Galerie Mona Lisa, exposition personnelle, «Les Pommes», Paris, France. 2014 - Trevisan International Art, exposition collective, «The Illusion of Reality», Bologne, Italie. 2013 - Galerie Spazio Museale, Milan & Artemisia Gallery, exposition collective, FAI Innsbruck, Autriche. 2013 - Galerie Monod, exposition collective, Paris, France. 2013 - International show Palais des Congrès, exposition collective, Innsbruck, Autriche. 2012 - Salon d’Automne de Paris, exposition collective, International show, Tel-Aviv, Israël. Prix et Récompenses: Prix d’Excellence, Salon d’Arts Plastiques de La Rochelle, 2019, France. Prix d’Excellence, Little Treasures 2016, Bologne, Italie. Médaille d’Argent, 2016, Société Académique Arts-Sciences-Lettres, Paris, France. Prix Premio de Marchi 2014, Bologne, Italie. 2° Prix de la Nature Morte, International show Palais des Congrès 2013, Innsbruck, Autriche. Médaille de Bronze, Salon d’Arts Plastiques 2015, La Rochelle, France. Membre des Organismes suivants: Académie Greci-Marino - Del Verbano, Arts-Sciences-Lettres, 2014, Italie. Société Académique Arts-Sciences-Lettres, 2015, Paris, France. Fondation TAYLOR, 2015, Paris, France. Académie France Monde Culture, 2020, France.