mustafa gunen

mustafa gunen

Sobre el Artista

Self-taught marine artist Mustafa Gunen was born in Kirsehir, a mid-Anatolian city in Turkey. During his childhood he was highly intrigued by pencil drawing. By the time he finished primary school he had had several picture stories totalling two hundred pages. After primary school he started working as an apprentice in his father's furniture workshop. Later, he began by painting his own dreamscapes on his furniture pieces. Such a thing had never been tried before at that time. In 1993, he moved to working with oils on canvas directly. Using only a spare palette of black, white, yellow, red and navy blue. Throughout his career, Mustafa has proven international experiences and recognised reputation worldwide on marine paintings. His paintings are sold in the UK, US and Turkey during numerous exhibitions or in auctions. Furthermore, one of his paintings was sold in Christie’s Marine painting auction in New York on 3rd December 2008. The worldwide known art magazine the International Artist (Feb-march 2008 issue) published eight pages article on his art and paintings. Also again, International Artist magazine awarded and published him as the finalist for the subject: Seascapes, Rivers & Lakes in Feb/ March 2014 issue.