Robert Tate

Robert Tate

Sobre el Artista

When Robert Tate entered Washington University, he had no prior art training. As a freshman he was awarded first place in the all college portrait competition. Tate is a Signature Member of the National Watercolor Society; one of 22 members out of 1300 members to be nationally certified by The American Portrait Society; one of only 350 that has been elected as an Artist member of the California Art Club and an artist member of the National Society of Painters in Casein and Acrylics. Tate is now fulfilling a lifelong dream of painting for galleries, his painting include, Native Americans, working cowboys, portraits ,ballet subjects and now abstractions.. All of his gallery paintings are executed in oil on linen. Recently he was honored when he was made a blood brother of the Cherokee Nation. A partial list of his corporate portraits include the previous three CEO’s of United Parcel Service (UPS), two for Texaco Oil, nine for Southern California Edison; six of which were posthumous, also a life-size full length posthumous painting of Howard Hughes for Hughes Aircraft, Wout van Bavel of Holland, Gary Jordan on his horse ‘Socks’ in front of Pikes Peak, Colorado, Don Raich with his 1963 Rolls Royce, F. Katiyama, past president of Nissan Motors USA, Frederick R. Weisman for the Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation and authors Will and Ariel Durant. The computer magazine, Reseller News commissioned Tate to paint portraits for articles of the top 25 Internet executives. Tate has executed numerous portraits for the movie industry (posters) and has been commissioned to do over 150 paintings of famous sports figures in Nascar, baseball, basketball, football, hockey and horse racing. One of Tate’s paintings was used as example in Shiva Casein magazine ads and another for their color chart cover. In addition one of his oil paintings was used in Jack Richeson’s and Company’s ad for their Yarka canvas.