Ramon Grosos

Ramon Grosos

Sobre el Artista

Artist, born 1977. My work is characterized by a strong dependence on what appears to be accident and chance, but which is actually highly planned. Applying paint rapidly, and with force to my canvases in an effort to show feelings and emotions, painting gesturally, sometimes applying paint with large brushes, sometimes dripping or even throwing it onto canvas...this is my ART. Exhibitions (selection): International Exhibition of Contemporary and Religious Plastic Arts of London, UK; Salon International d'Arte Plastique Contemporaine, Paris, France 2005; Artspace 2000 - Group Exhibition at International Center for Culture and Arts "Arcus", Romania; Kunstbarkeiten Graz 2013; Fiera d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea Genova 2013. Awards (selection): "Michelangelo Buonarroti 2008" (International); "Premio Speciale Diritti Umani 2009" (Int.); "Vincent van Gogh" 2011 (Int.); Special Award Human Rights 2011 (Int.).