Irene Anton

Irene Anton

Sobre el Artista

Irene Anton, * 27.04.1966 in Darmstadt – Germany Member of BBK Berlin, BVBK Brandenburg and sculpture network Universitary education: 2002–2005 University of fine arts Berlin-Germany (UdK), master-degree of art in context, specialisation in exhibitionorganisation and community arts - art in public spaces 1989-1994 University of fine arts Berlin(UdK), degree in fashion and textile design 1988-1989 University of Wuppertal(U-GH), basical year of industrial design 1986-1988 Academy of fine arts (AKI) in Enschede - Netherlands 2008 – 2011 3 years of teaching at Kurt-Schwitters-Highschool in Berlin Since 2005 workshops of landart and textile art for adults and children at schools Since 1994 working as a designer and artist Soloexhibitions (selection) 2014 "textile topographics", Abu Dhabi ARTHUB, United Arab Emirates 2013 „Rauminszenierungen“, Kunstverein Bobingen - Germany 2012 Galerie „Konvex 99“ in der Kauffahrtei Chemnitz - Germany 2011 “...denn nichts ist wie es scheint!“, Niederlausitzmuseum “ Luckau - Germany 2010 “intervención”, Museo Islita Guanacaste – Costa Rica “new textile connections”, Bildungszentrum Raiffeisenhof Graz - Austria “Topographiques Textiles”, Galerie La Girafe in Brussels - Belgium “Benetzungen”, Miope Galerie Berlin 2009 “Conectate”, Museum of contemporary art(MACUF), La Coruña-Spain 2008 „TextileTopoGraphics“, Miope Galerie Berlin 2007 “conTextil 2”, Galerie La Girafe in Brussels - Belgium 2006 “Zweifelhafte Objekte”,Galerie K Berlin 2005 “conTextil” 1, Galerie “La Girafe” Berlin “errare humanum est”, Galerie Zeitzone Berlin Groupexhibitions (selection) 2015 "Sculpture at Scenic World", Katoomba/NSW - Australia "Sculpture on the Greens", Kooindah Water Resorts, Wyong/NSW - Australia "A-CIERTO", Galería de arte ENMALA, Lanzarote - Spain 2014 "1st international historical memory art festival", Liwa ARTHUB, United Arab Emirates "Open 17", San Servolo Island, Venice - Italy "Global Village", Kulturhuset Brønden, Brøndby Strand/Kopenhagen - Dänemark "Wasser!", Projektraum Group Global, Berlin "verknotet - verbunden - verformt", Kunstforum Seligenstadt - Germany "HIP 4", Heiligenhafen Installation Parcours - Germany "Spektrale 6", Schlossberg Luckau - Germany "the forest of tranquility", Ourimbah/NSW - Australia "Artgeschoss", Wolfenbüttel - Germany "Sculptour, Beulenhof Kluisbergen" - Belgium "sculpture on the greens", Kooindah Water Resorts, Wyong/NSW - Australia 2013 Starke Foundation Berlin Art Brandenburg, Potsdam - Germany „KLP“ - path of art and literature, Loreley - Germany „MADSTOP : POTSDAM“, Gallery M, Potsdam – Germany Miniartextil, Le Beffroi, Paris/Montrouge - France 2012 Starke Foundation Berlin “Agorá”, Miniartextil at Villa Carlotta, Tremezzo (Lago di Como) - Italy “zooart”, Fresia Gardens Cuneo - Italy “without borders” Triennial of Textile, Gallery Miloša Alexandra Tren?ín - Slowakia “48 Stunden Neukölln“ Berlin“Turgut Pura Art Prize”, Museum of painting and sculpture Izmir - Turkey “Banality and Grace” Gallery SVÚ, Bratislava - Slovakia „Spektrale 5 – Im Weinberg, Kunst und Natur eine Einheit?“, Luckau - Germany „Vernetzen 2“, Abraxas Galerie Augsburg and Galerie M Potsdam - Germany 2011 “ji ji”, Surinaams Museum Paramaribo - Surinam Starke foundation, Berlin “Texpoart” La?i - Romania „Art Brandenburg Potsdam“ - Germany “Ortung VII” Schwabach – Germany WTA contemporary textile art biennial, Oaxaca – Mexico Contemporary Art Ruhr (CAR) Essen - Germany “Localize” art festival Potsdam - Germany “Höhlerbiennale” Gera - Germany “2B“ Neue Galerie in der Bücherstadt, Wünsdorf Waldstadt – Germany 2011 “lux et linea“, Galerie M en Potsdam -Germany Starke foundation Berlin “Late Light Shopping“ Berlin-Neukölln “1er encuentro de la red textilia iberoamericana”, Omar Dengo Foundation San José – Costa Rica “Ostrale ‘10”, international exhibition of contemporary art Dresden – Germany “International Baltic Minitextile-Triennial”, City Museum of Gdynia – Poland Altes Museum Luckau, „ Spektrale 4 – Schauplatz Gegenwart“, Altes Museum Luckau, 2009 Art Brandenburg Potsdam - Germany “1000+1Prax(e)is” at Goethe Institut Thessaloniki, exhibition in line with the 2nd Thessaloniki Biennial - Greece, organized by the museum of contemporary art “Simplex-Komplex”, castle of Nove Mesto nad Metuj-Czech Republic Minitextile-exhibition „Zoom“ , Gallery X in Bratislava – Slovakia Textile Art Biennial Szombathely - Hungary “Mini Textile Art”, 4th International Exhibition Kherson – Ukraine „Blaue Nacht“, Ehrenhalle Altes Rathaus Nürnberg Arte Faleria Festival- Italy 2008 “Threading Trends”, Alte Post Neukölln in Berlin „Matrix Natura“, Miniartextil exhibition at San Francesco church, Como-Italy “Tina B”, billboard textart, Prague – Czech Republic “Neukölln Exquisit”, Alte Post Neukölln Berlin Minitextile-exhibition „X“ , Gallery X in Bratislava - Slovakia “Aquamediale 4” in Lübben-Germany “Spektrale 3” , Altes Hafthaus Luckau-Germany “Textile Trinity“, Kunstraum t27 in Berlin 2007 “Global Intrigue”, European fibre and textile triennial, Museum Arsenals in Riga -Latvia “Aquamediale 3” in Lübben-Germany Minitextile-exhibition “TEXTil”, Gallery X, Bratislava - Slovakia 2006 “in rete”, Miniartextil exhibition at San Francesco church, Como - Italy 2005 “conTextil” 1, Galerie “La Girafe” Berlin Museum van Bommel van Dam, Venlo - Netherlands, „the bag incorporation“ Landkreis Waldeck-Frankenberg, festival “Bewegter Wind” 2004 “Berlin entre dos aguas”, MAC(museo de arte contemporáneo) in tránsito, Santiago de Chile Residencies and Symposiums (selection) 2014 Residency Abu Dhabi ARTHUB and Liwa ARTHUB - United Arab Emirates Residéncia Nautilus, Matagorda/Lanzarote - Spain 2013 Sculpture symposium Kirchhain - Germany Matrices international outdoor textile art symposium, Moonrain Art Center, Val des Monts/Quebec – Canada Environmental art symposium “ART – NATURE”, Gabrovtsi - Bulgaria 2012 Printmaking symposium BBK Augsburg - Germany 2011 Artist in residence of ARTCEB Botopasi - Suriname „old school residency“, Gorna Lipnitsa - Bulgaria Artist in residence of culture- and communication center (KCCC) Klaipeda – Lithuania 2010 International symposium “Quand les treize lunes entrelacent”, Moonrain Art Center, Val-des Monts/Quebec - Canada 2009 Residency „life examination“ of the Kaunas Biennial - Lithuania 1st Scuplture Symposium Winterthur at Gallery Wyschür-Weiertal - Switzerland 2008 “Simplex-Komplex” at Kunstbauwerk Vierraden and Berlin - Germany “ITS”, Internatinal textile art symposium Raiffeisenhof Graz-Austria 2007 international landartsymposium “sites en ligne”, Silly - Belgium “Im Fluss”, 16th international landscape-plainair, Schwedt - Germany 2006 Residency “social transformation project”, Gölazi -Turkey Residency “SUD-EST - Express”, Hønefoss - Norway Residency “casaterra”, Valle d’Itria/Céglie - Italy Awards and competitions (selection) 2013 Finalist of art in public space competion, roundabout O'Brien Park, Schwabach - Germany 2012 Early entry award, “Art takes Miami”, Artists Wanted, New York - USA Audience Award „Spektrale 5 – Im Weinberg, Kunst und Natur eine Einheit?“, Luckau – Germany Honorable Mention “Turgut Pura Art Prize”, category sculpture, Izmir - Turkey 2010 Audience Award „Spektrale 4 – Schauplatz Gegenwart“, Altes Museum Luckau - Germany 2008 Award of “Aquamediale 4” competition by BVBK Brandenburg, Lübben - Germany 2006 2nd award of the landscapedesign-competition “labyrinth in the forest”, Saksala Art Radius Finland, work out of the the labyrinth in 2007 2004 1st award of the art competition “Bewegter Wind”, district of Waldeck - Frankenberg Grants: 2015 Travelgrant 'Interstip' by the ministry of culture Land Brandenburg - Germany 2011 Travelgrant Suriname by the german embassy of Port of Spain - Trinidad and Tobago 2010 Travelgrant by the german embassy of San José – Costa Rica 2009 Residency grant “Gelderner Turmstipendium” in Geldern - Germany, object, installation, mixed media 2008 Grant of the cultural department of Berlin-Neukölln for the project “Windraum” at “Rütli”- secondary school in Berlin 2006 Grant of the cultural department of Berlin-Neukölln for the ART_IST outdoor-workshops in collaboration with Hella Böhm Grant by Kunstkids e.V. for the project “Windige Klamotten” in cooperation with Ida Ehre-Highschool in line with the “Windfest Hamburg” Commissions (selection) 2011 Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin, installation in line with the special exhibition „Windstärken" 2012 Pohoda Festival, Airport Tren?in - Slowakia Upcoming 2015 Sculpture symposium Pfäffikon - Switzerland International sculpture triennial "Bad RagARTz", Bad Ragatz - Switzerland Cave Biennale Gera - Germany "Landart Convent", Casa del Drac, Cervera del Maestre - Spain