Micky Kirchen

Micky Kirchen

Sobre el Artista

Start with painting in October 2011 only by self-educated lessons, reading books and learning by doing. Starting with 'expositions' as follows: May 2012 Konscht- + Hobbymaart in L-Steinheim September 2012 Konscht- + Hobbymaart in L-Gilsdorf March 2013 Konscht- + Hobbymaart in L-Erpeldange Art'Lënster in L-Junglinster October 2013 Konscht- + Hobbymaart in L-Olingen 2014 February - collective exposition in L-Belval March - 1st solo exposition in L-Soup June - participation at Konschtfestival in L-Lellingen 2015 April - Art'Lënster in L-Junglinster April - Walfer Galerie in L-Walferdange April - Konschtfestival in L-Kehlen