Sobre el Artista

Zul Albani, born in Selangor, Malaysia, 1965, is a self-taught artist. He is a member of the APS -ANGKATAN PELUKIS SEMALAYSIA. He currently lives and work in the Kajang. Zul Albani’s work focuses on the sociol-political and cultur al issues. Since 2012 until now, I’ve mostly used Bitumen and Acrylic on canvas. After graduating high school, I moved to Kuala Lumpur, and working as graphic designer. Learned about art in weekend. My artwork takes a critical view of social, political and cultural issues. Art is tool for me to express personal feeling and opinion on issues for instant war, injustice, live and etc. that the way I fight. My work is a reflection of my mind. Artist present their thinking about the society and politics through the exhibition. World become more material and a celebrity society we care about those celebrities, star, politicians, rather than child begging on the street. I show and at the same time, I hide. I hide things in the text, in the shadows and especially in the meanings behind my works. Senirupa bukan semata perkara visual, tapi ia adalah medium untuk mengatakan apa sahaja. Senirupa adalah alat komunikasi. Kanvas adalah tempat utk menampilkan persoalan. Seni adalah alat bagi saya unuk mengekspresikan perasaan peribadi dan pendapat tentang isu-isu semasa contohpenyelewangan, politik, korup, gila kuasa, ketidakadilan, kehidupan, kematian dan sebagainya. Seni adalah perasaan, fikiran kita pada ketika itu.