Sonu Sandhu

Sonu Sandhu

Sobre el Artista

Sandhu's paintings have a sense of depth in them and various geometrical shapes make them look like amalgamated pieces of a puzzle. The tandem shapes created with vibrant colors and the continuous movement even though give an impression of Cubo-futurism, nonetheless, the artist's perception stays evident and intact.?Her painting, THE WOMAN POWER,got selected for The London Art Biennale 2015 & her works have been selected by the international selection committee of Florence Art Biennale X edition 2015 too. She was recently awarded the Special mention for excellence at London Biennale 2015.? Education: Graduation in Arts from Indraprastha College, Delhi, India, diploma in sketching & drawing of human anatomy and graphic designing, diploma in fine arts from Delhi collage of arts N. Delhi, India (2010 - 13) and certificate in Mixed Media & Fine Arts from Central Saint Martins College (University of Arts London) (2013). Participated in various solo and group exhibitions 2015 London Art Biennale 2015 2015 ‘Celebrations’ vision art gallery 2014 Spanish Embassy Auction ,Delhi 2013 ‘Tenacity’ Lalit Kala Academi, Delhi 2013 Final display of mixed media & fine arts, Central Saint Martins, London 2013 Annual exhibition, AIFACS, Delhi 2010 13 AIFACS, Delhi Forthcoming Exhibitions Florence Biennale, October 2015 Awards Special Mention for excellence, London Biennale Art to me is the extension of my imagination & my Thoughts. Instead if talking to the world, I prefer to talk to my Canvas …… Words being the strokes, Language being the colors and Imagination………the Theme. STROKES TO ME, ARE NOTHING BUT THE EXECUTION OF MY IMAGINATION AND CANVAS, MY PROJECTOR.I BELIEVE THAT LIFE IS HOW WE SEE IT AND THIS RUMINATES ON MY WORKS. THOUGH CUBISM AND IMPRESSIONISM ARE MY FORTE, BUT MY BELIEF THAT THERE IS NO END TO LEARNING AND EXPLORING TILL THE END OF TIME IS INDISPUTABLE AND GRAVITATES ME TOWARDS THE WORLD OF ART. SONU SANDHU