César Ordóñez

César Ordóñez

Sobre el Artista

Cesar Ordonez, photographer and video artist, was born in Barcelona. Through a generally indirect style, his work explores the fragility of existence and its complement: the capacity to change which emanates from the interior of each of us. With an intimate and vital look, his projects inquire into the relationship between human beings and the spaces we inhabit. Showing how our thoughts, feelings and attitudes influence our environment and the daily evolution of societies in which we live, and vice versa. For over fifteen years he combined his professional activity as a fashion and advertising photographer with his artistic career growth. In 2007 he gave a leap in the dark to focus on his personal projects. Since then he develops them mainly between Tokyo and Barcelona. As a result of this oriental connection were born: Ashimoto, Kagami, La intimidad and Tokyo Blur. In the Japanese capital is also remarkable his participation in Tokyo-Ga, an extensive photographic group project. He has exhibited in Spain, Mexico, France, Russia, Japan, South Korea and China. His works are part of important art collections as: Auer Photo Foundation (Geneva, Switzerland), Fundacio Fotocolectania (Barcelona, Spain) and Fundacion Unicaja (Malaga, Spain). Recently, he has published his first photobook: Tokyo Blur.