Sobre el Artista

All roads lead to art, but sometimes they make you make great detours. If I had always loved to draw, it's a art teacher in middle school who showed me a world of materials and techniques to develop ideas. From that time, in parallel with a scientific baccalaureate, followed by university studies in Management, I started to draw, cut, paste, assemble images to create new more colorful and poetic. At 25, while I booted a career in social protection, I realized that my deepest desire was to become a painter ... even though I had not held a paintbrush since school! However, work and family have held me away from all artistic practice for ten years ... and finally better return. In 2009 I began training in interior design, then chained with classes in painting, drawing and artistic expression. And painting was again imposed on me. Most of my work revolves around humans, portraits or feelings. My palette is rich and varied. I love playing with color, light and matter. Beyond the pleasure of creation, painting became for me a means of expression, communication and sharing of emotions. My ambition is to touch the spectator sensibility, without bringing him to share the same feelings as me. What I express in my painting is is often a matter of intimacy, but the feelings which it generates belong to the one who looks at it.