Samanta Aretino

Samanta Aretino

Sobre el Artista

Bio I studied photography at the School of Art Arroyomolinos, Madrid. Then I continued my studies at the School of Photography of Pedro Menendez de la Cuesta, Arroyomolinos-Madrid. I have done specialization courses with various artists, including Alain Perdomo. Exhibitions & Prizes: Coffee Theather San Martín de Valdeiglesias, Madrid-Spain. 3º Prize Contest "Young Photographers" Mancomunidad de Los Pinares. June 2007 Magazine Digital FOTO DIGIMAG. Photo of the month published in the back of the magazine. May 2007 Website Travel Section Photographic Reportage about the city of Oporto, Portugal. March 2008 Cultural Centre Villa del Prado, Madrid-Spain. 1º Prize Category Black & White and 2º Prize Category Color . Contest "Jóvenes Fotógrafos" de la Mancomunidad de Los Pinares. Junio 2008 Arts School of Arroyomolinos, Madrid-Spain. Collective Exhibition . Junio 2009 Magazine El Zoco. Hall of Exhibitions Antonio Machado, Madrid-Spain. 1º Prize Partner Amnesty International Photography Contest “Una Mirada SoliDHaria”. December 2009. Art Modern Centre of Madrid, Spain. “Greguerías ilustradas” October 2013. Reading audiovisual tribute to the writer Ramón Gómez de la Serna. Cultural Centre of Aldea del Fresno, Madrid-Spain. Solo exhibition "Women fron here and there". March 2013 Foto de portada Periódico A21 Marzo 2013 Jury of the Photo Contest “Fotolectura 2013” Delegation of Libraries of the Community of Madrid, Spain. Spanish Red Cross-Espacio Pozas, Madrid-Spain. 1º Finalist Contest “Women with stories” 2013 organized by Spanish Red Cross and Efti. Book release "Sweet Revolution" Josép Pámies. Solo exhibition of the serie “Natural Medicine”. Cultural Centre of Aldea del Fresno, Madrid-Spain. 2014 Café Comercial, Madrid-Spain. Collective Exhibition “Chain of reasons” 2014 Amnesty International León. León-Spain. Finalist Contest Human Rights 2014 Cultural Centre Colmenar del Arroyo, Madrid-Spain. Collective Exhibition y photo sales in favour of Vicente Ferrer Foundation , India. 2014 “Lights from China” Solo exhibition. Koala Pool Cultural Asociation -Aldea del Fresno, Madrid. December 2014. Gastrofestival Madrid 2015 . Madrid Fusión 2015 “Cookers of Madrid” CEV Madrid. January 2015. ARCO tangente-La Galería de la Magdalena. Urban Spin off- March 2015. Women in Focus, Atlanta EEUU. Virtual Exhibition March 2015. “Women of the World” Solo Exhibition. Palacio de la Sagra-Library of Chapinería, Madrid. March 2015. “International Modern Artist Today” Collective Exhibition at Castle of Hubertendorf, Blindenmarkt-Austria. 1º Prize “Modern Art Award” by Paks Gallery. 1º Prize Urban Art Expo and Contest "Desigualdart" de Oxfám Intermón and La Galería de Magdalena. May 2015. Modern Art Fair “Art Shopping 2015” Carrousel du Louvre, París. June 2015 At present, I´m being represented by Agora Gallery, New York-EEUU. Some of my photos are available at Art-Mine, NY.