2017, A Pivotal Year

Visio Dell'Arte Visio Dell'Arte

FEBRUARY 21, 2017

After decades in Europe, Max Laniado Gallery has begun to promote some of their most unique artists here in America, where they have been confirmed by the general public of art lovers, savvy collectors, and numerous experts alike. Within only three years, several of their artists have had a steep ascension due to overwhelming demand. Their promotions have accelerated the artists’ level of recognition, and now museums, foundations, and auction houses all across the world are taking an interest in the artists that Max Laniado represents. 2017 is indeed a pivotal year for Max Laniado Gallery.

Abstract Visions

Visio Dell'Arte Visio Dell'Arte

JANUARY 18, 2017

Max Laniado is pleased to present a 2017 preview exhibition by 8 distinctive contemporary artists, on view at 522 West 23rd street in Chelsea. The group exhibition is comprised of some of the most significant artists of the twenty-first century. The show consists of 23 works on canvas or panel by established artists Rasikh Akhmetvaliev, Kaloon Chhour, Cosmina, Nicolae Ene, and Anatoly Burykin, alongside emerging artists Olivier Valli, Jeff Bortniker, Vanessa Longo, and Hélène Modébadzé. We invite you into a private and intimate space where the art is as much about seeing with the eyes as it is about seeing with the heart and mind. Come join us as we revel in these “Abstract Visons”.

Cosmina, Solo Show, The External Facets of the Internal Self

Visio Dell'Arte Visio Dell'Arte

OCTOBER 21, 2016

Max Laniado is pleased to present Cosmina’s second solo exhibition at his New York gallery. This exclusive exhibition features her latest works, including her most recent collection “The External Facets of the Inner Self.” This collection is an exploration of the way in which the inner self is expressed through performances of external identity. Cosmina seeks to illustrate the transitional moment in which an entity, whether it be somebody or something, changes in behavior in accordance to specific situations. The fluid transitions between roles exhibit the various aspects of personality that are performed in order to socially survive.

Summer Exhibition

Visio Dell'Arte Visio Dell'Arte

AUGUST 10, 2016

Max Laniado Gallery – Visio Dell’Arte is pleased to present this year’s Summer Exhibition, featuring a collection of works by our exclusive artists. Among them are well-confirmed artists, such as Rasikh Akhmetvaliev, Anatoly Burykin, Chhour Kaloon, Cosmina, and Nicolae Ene. Alongside, we are exhibiting the works of emerging artists Bonus, Jeff Bortniker, Anik Legoupil, Vanessa Longo, Hèléne Modebaze, and Olivier Valli. This exhibition is on view from August 8 - September 15, 2016, and the opening reception will be held from 6:30-8:30pm on August 18 at Max Laniado Gallery -- Visio Dell'Arte 522 West 23rd Street New York, NY 10011


Visio Dell'Arte Visio Dell'Arte

JULY 10, 2016

July 14-August 7 Max Laniado is pleased to present Chhour Kaloon’s second solo exhibition at his New York gallery. The exhibition includes an exclusive collection of his latest works, featuring unique masterpieces of Poetic Abstraction. Chhour illustrates the inherent balance of Yin and Yang by intentionally leaving sections of the composition empty or full, as his lively and animated brushsrokes charge the canvas with meditative profundity. Chhour’s mark making evokes emotions without representing, revealing a deeper essence of “beingness.” His dual cultural identity generates a confluence of worlds in his technique and brings an innovative creativity to the contemporary art scene.

Jeff Bortniker - Solo Exhibition

Visio Dell'Arte Visio Dell'Arte

MAY 18, 2016

Visio Dell’Arte is pleased to present Jeff Bortniker’s second solo exhibition at our New York gallery. The exhibition includes an exclusive collection of his latest works featuring abstract paintings created by applying acrylic and enamel molding paste to canvas. The one-of-a-kind masterpieces are reflective of his signature layers and rich in emotive gestural marks, creating a unique phenomenological experience.


Visio Dell'Arte Visio Dell'Arte

APRIL 23, 2016

Open Doors GROUP EXHIBITION On view through May 1, 2016. Before the next series of solo exhibitions, Max Laniado Gallery- Visio Dell'Arte offers art lovers a chance to view our ongoing exhibition "ASCENTS" from 6:00 PM- 9:00 PM on Thursday, April 28 at our New York location. Featured Artists: AKMETVALIEV | BONUS | BORTNIKER | BURYKIN | CHHOUR | COSMINA | DE SEGUIN | ENE | LEGOUPIL | LONGO | VALLI

OPENING: ASCENTS, Thursday, March 3, 2016 | 6 - 8pm

Visio Dell'Arte Visio Dell'Arte

FEBRUARY 19, 2016

Ascents, Visio Dell’Arte’s Spring exhibition, showcases nine artists at different stages in their artistic careers. Six emerging artists, Bonus, Jeff Bortniker, Ene, Anik Legoupil, Gaëtan de Séguin and Olivier Valli will share the gallery walls with three established artists, Anatoly Burykin, Chhour Kaloon, and Cosmina. All of Visio Dell’Arte’s artists have been founded by gallery owner, Max Laniado.

OPENING: Final Presentation of Summer Exhibitions, Thursday August 27, 5:30 pm

Visio Dell'Arte Visio Dell'Arte

AUGUST 25, 2015

During the Summer, Visio Dell’Arte – New York organizes a cycle of three bi-weekly presentations of selected artwork by exclusively represented artists. In these Group Exhibitions, Visio Dell'Arte has the pleasure to feature works by Rasikh Akhmetvaliev, Jeff Bortniker, Anatoly Burykin, Kaloon Chhour, Gaetan De Seguin, Cosmina, Nicolae Ene, Anik Legoupil, Helene Modebadze, Olivier Valli, and Petre Velicu. Visio Dell'Arte Gallery - New York 522 West 23rd Street OPENING: Thursday, August 27 5:30 pm

Summer 2015 Exhibitions

Visio Dell'Arte Visio Dell'Arte

JUNE 26, 2015

Max Laniado presents a cycle of renewed bi-weekly exhibitions featuring a selection of recent masterpieces and new never-seen-before artworks by 12 exclusive contemporary artists. For over 10 years, Rasikh Akhmetvaliev, Anatoly Burykin, Kaloon Chhour (Choi Ka Loon), Cosmina, Nicolae Ene, Anik Legoupil, Olivier Valli and Petre Velicu have been acclaimed and recognized by collectors worldwide for their unique styles and artistic vision. Allying unique creativity, absolute mastery of their art, spirituality and a sense of beauty and harmony, these artists continue their formidable ascension on the world art scene. At the same time, Max Laniado will show new artworks by three of his more recent discoveries, Jeff Bortniker, De Séguin and Vanessa Longo.