Sobre el Artista

CHRISTINE RAHMEH Christine Rahmeh. Lebanon From Aynata Al Arz, born in Baalbeck-Lebanon- in 1966. I've been painting since 1986. From the beginning and till this day, my favorite subjects are portraits of famous people and religious themes. Since 2010,I discovered my own unique technique using oils on canvas and applying it in a dot by dot (punctuation method) creating my own unique Pop-Art style. At first I thought that was the subject matter and beautiful frame work that caused so much attention, but quickly found out that it was the unique method of applying paint. Within the last few years, I've been getting a lot of media attention by big names and best of all, I open the eyes of many well known art collectors. I, don't stop there, I am now putting together a beautiful full color book of my latest 45 masterpieces, which will include a short story of each person (portrait) . Now , with all of my experience and new technique I had started a complete new series of a very sensitive subject that is very dear to my heart, that man can not see with the naked eye on earth, but from a higher level, birds eye or Naza eye. > >" Education: Chief Accountant > Exhibitions: -2015 > reproduction paintings for “Jules Schnorr Von Carlosfeld”"Genesis" 25 art work The materials used is oil on canvas ( black and white and the oil on canvas gives the art a rustic ones). > 2015, contributing with a competition at Saida Khan el Franj Award bishop Selim Ghazal at Deir el mokhaless -Joun. portrait for (Al Sayed Hani Fahs) 2014,Khan el Franj_Saida > > 2014, Hasib Madi house several painting, Fresques,landscaping & various portaits. > > 2014,Hanna Habchi house oil Painting on walls. > > 2014, > > 2013,Digital Exhibition at SCOPE Miami,SCOPE Art Fair, from the dates of December 3rd to December 8th. > > 2013, Creative Rising:Digital Exhibition,See | Exhibition Space, located at 26-19 Jackson Avenue, Long Island City, > > New York 11101, on October 5th. also projected onto a 42-story building on 43-10 Crescent Street, Long Island City, New York 11101 during the evening celebration. > > 2013, > 2013, Visual Art Forum (Beirut) > 2013, Exode – Color Gate (Ashrafieh ) > 2013, Embracing Talent (Ashrafieh). - > 2012, Visual Art Forum (Beirut) - > 2011, Australia (Private Houses) - > > 2009- A.R.T. AUCTION. > 1992 Medallion from A.D.S. Best Magazine 1992. > 1988 Painting Murals Private Houses & Villas - > 1987, Douma-Lebanon North. > 1975 First prize from" l'orient le jour Magazine" (childhood painting about war in Lebanon).