alexia photography

alexia photography

Sobre el Artista

Alexia relocated to NYC in 2009, after graduation from Brooks Institute of Photography. With positive reviews in NY she decided to hone in on her skill returning to her artist nook Santa Barbra, Ca. Creating once again an inspirational playground accentuating her photographic voice with use of nature and light. Alexis’ endearing energy, raw environments and natural light embodied a self ” je nais se quoi” per client, unveiling a goddess in the eyes of “their “beholder. Alexia’ gift to reveal and capture the deep sexual desire entails a certain trust. Her journey was nothing short of emotional, exciting and sacrificial thus illuminating a light on her own inner animal. This journey reveled gives women the confidence to trust, entitling exposed desires by manipulation of light, which has been lost in translation with the chaos of life. Alexia’s hope will be to embody those to stop and really see our world as a photograph, something to cherish and admire. “Mankind or Creature we are all an essence of this one life”.