ronit kristal

ronit kristal

Sobre el Artista Ronit Kristal is a digital painter and a new media artist from Tel-Aviv, Israel. She is an autodidactic computer artist, and a leading figure in the new-media art world, who began to paint only two and a half years ago. Kristal has led a successful career as a make-up artist and stylist, in the Israeli television Kristal paints spontaneously and intuitively. Her work process is unique, fast, and focused. The creator’s versatile paintings are created on a computer program, and influenced by heterogeneous and diverse worlds of content: fashion, design, video-clips, Rock N’ Roll, etc. in some of the works she uses transparent Plexiglas, which endows them with a polished finish. Kristal’s works were showcased in many projects and exhibitions in Israel and around the world.