Douglas Bartlett

Douglas Bartlett

Sobre el Artista

I am somewhat of a hermit painter. I have a small studio in the woods in a place called Anderson Springs in Lake County, CA. which has influenced me in several ways. Firstly I travel on the Silverado Trail through Napa Valley to get to my studio. Driving by this extraordinarily beautiful valley, with it's great vistas, vinyards and rolling hills, is inspirational to say the least. Coming from New England originally, I find the closest thing I can find to the 4 seasons that I visually experienced as a kid are now represented by the grape vines and leaves at the Napa Valley. Bare in the Winter, budding in Spring, In full green glory in Summer and lastly every color of the rainbow in the Fall! Secondly since my studio if virtually surrounded by trees, I have been able to really examine and "feel" their beauty at all different times of year and weather. R E S U M E Education: BFA Syracuse University, New York St. Martin's School of Art, London England Slade School of Art, London England Independent Studies with Glass: Dale Chihuly, RISD Bronze: Elbert Weinberg, Rome, Italy Video: Bill Viola, NY