laura Colantonio

laura Colantonio

Sobre el Artista

Born in Rome in 1976. Graduated in Political Studies from Rome University, I started my career in advertising, working 5 years for international agencies such as Saatchi & Saatchi and Leo Burnett before dedicating myself to being a full time artist. I studied drawing and painting at the Fine Arts Academy in Rome and more recently at Slade School of London (UCL). I currently live in Dubai where I set-up my workshop while continuing my studies at Dubai International Art Center. My art takes off from the study of lines and how they evolve, meet, talk together and coexist in the space around me, I educe their primitive nature and reproduce them emphasizing their inner qualities and never ending movements. Sometimes my lines burst into the real space and either mimic or resist the existing lines, in any case maintaining their original personality. The result for the viewer is an experience that goes beyond the bi-dimensional surface, and where every corner of the space deserves to be observed, contemplated and grasped. 'FromLinetoSpace' is born during my painting practice on different surfaces. Along the way of my line's exploration I found for them a new space The 'negative space' is their 'positive space' now where they live and feed themselves. They don't start or end somewhere rather they run and transform size and quality during the run. I just follow them, where possible I observe the spaces they create.