Sanda Manuila

Sanda Manuila

Sobre el Artista

My oil and mixed media pastel and gouache paintings are stylized images that tell my passion for nature and the environment and depict my concern for the threats of climate change. I show how native fauna and flora interact and survive in adverse surroundings. When Mother Nature challenges us with extreme weather patterns, she reminds us that the beauty of our environment is at stake. Birds tell our story of survival, love, danger, strength, and vulnerability. With Covid-19, my message has become more exacerbated, and the need to narrate has become visceral. I paint visual stories of a world on the edge: The story of the danger of the denial of climate change. The story of Nature’s resilience and beauty even after the abuse we have been inflicting upon her. The story of Nature ‘s anger challenging us with extreme weather patterns: fires, earthquakes, floods, winter storms, hurricanes and more. The story of our home, torn by conflict and mistrust. The story of the fear of the other, the foe who is different and who will deconstruct you. The story of a new normal. I paint stylized representational images from which exude an allegorical quality. I want my work to be confrontational and emotionally charged. I aim at engaging the viewer with surprise, doubt and curiosity and raising many conversations in these challenging times. I want them to be poignant and confrontational and raise the question of our global situation in these disturbing times. I paint poetry.