Lorand Sipos watercolor painter

Lorand Sipos watercolor painter

Sobre el Artista

My ars poetics: ,,I see it so, that our age, very much showed what should do, very much said, very material and very noisy. For what I am looking in my environment and my works show what should do, that unsaid one, the quiet one, the mysterious one, the mystic.' I'm graduated in the Academy of Fine Arts Budapest. In my works I try to portray the atmosphere around me in these new century. In our COMPLEX world I need to find an artistic language, what can translate my vision of the mingling of cultures and emotions. For me painting is a way of living, of expressing myself and my opinions, and I never cease to question and judge it. Please comment, criticize my paintings which continue to evolve. My dear friends, You might purchase handmade paintings for a DISCOUNT price, directly from the artist. Thank you for your attention. Lorand Sipos visual artist Enjoy my watercolor demo: https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=YLAOBMeA7vA