by Loren D. Adams, Jr.

Artwork Description

Telos-Mu (Detail of Pictograph)

0.0 x 0.0

Telos-Mu “Mural” (Details of Pictograph) from: C@1996 - 52”x 64” (1321 mm x 1626 mm) original oil mural on fine cotton duct painted from my own original oil study in 1984 depicting my own dream about The Arts & Cultural Trade Center in Ancient Telos, The Motherland… The pictograph is believed by many to be of ancient music. It was found by Dr. Bjorn Ortenheim in a lava tube cave on the island of Maui––believed by linguists to relate to sounds that can effect and alter the force of Gravity… “Currently Dr. Ortenheim is developing anti-gravity devices in Sweden”

Artwork Details

