by Alan Mirkovich

Artwork Description

Bloody Victory (The Last Samurai)

0.0 x 0.0

"When your sword is broken, you will defeat the enemy with your bare hands. If your hands are cut off, you press down him to the ground by your shoulders. If your shoulders are cut off too, you gnaw necks of the ten or fifteen enemies by your teeth. That is what courage. "- Samurai Yamamoto Tsunetomo XVII century Japan. Where does the courage of a man and his actions come from? Why does a warrior fearlessly rush towards the inevitable death? The answer lies in the philosophy of the Japanese Samurai, «Way of the Warrior» - code of the Samurai. Courage, loyalty and justice - 3 bases the samurai live with and die with honor. However, the real deep inner meaning of the warrior's way - this awareness of death at any time, which gives the value of every minute of life. Only a man , ready to die, could live , seeing the world in full color could look at the world with love and could notice the world what the ordinary people in life do not pay attention. He feels all the beauty of nature, which can be frozen for the last time now in his eyes. Nevertheless, it is not necessary to be a samurai, to wake up from dream, start to live and commit your actions with honor.

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