Riin Kaljurand

Riin Kaljurand

Sobre el Artista

Birthplace Estonia Birth year 1979 Lives in Dublin Works in Dublin Website http://artbyriin.wordpress.com Schools National College of Art and Design, 2015, bachelors Statement I was born in former Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic, that was a part of Soviet Union. The era has always fascinated me with its paradoxes and peculiarities. Imagery of my paintings is taken from Soviet Estonia’s magazine ‘Soviet Woman’. According to communist ideology of work and importance of working, in this magazine women are represented as hard working comrades of Soviet society. ‘Soviet Woman’ created and propagated femininity according to communist ideology. Judith Butler has said: ‘Masculine and feminine roles are not biologically fixed but socially constructed’. My second interest lies in paint itself. Paint as medium is as tangible and formable as clay and can be manipulated and approached as sculptural material. My paintings are collaged from dried layers of acrylic or household paint by manipulating it by scraping, folding, cutting and building up the surface. Of personal fascination for me beside its surface is paints physical quality and its formability. Dried paint is highly flexible and formable and can be used multiple ways. Some of my paintings are built up buy collaborating collage techniques and traditional knitting. Paint can also be manipulated in different drying stages. Example layer of acrylic paint left for drying overnight gives it a quality what allows it to be drawn into. Because I approach paint as sculptural material I choose to hang paintings further from the wall to give them object like, sculptural format. They often take on three-dimensional forms with varying textures, and colours. Colour of paintings are usually taken from original photos from ‘Soviet Woman’, but it is not as intense. For me paint is not embellishment on canvas, but rather a physical material in its own right. Education and Training 2011-2015 National College of Art and Design (NCAD) Dublin BA (Hons) Fine Art Painting Thesis Research: ‘Cover Girls and Working Women- construction of ‘Femininity’ in Soviet Estonia’ – Research thesis into the construction of femininity in Soviet Estonia’s woman’s magazine ‘Soviet Woman’. 2010-2011 Portfolio course, National College of Art and Design, Dublin 1986-1990 Parnu Fine Art School, Parnu, Estonia Selected Group Exhibitions Dates 14th - 16th of May 2012 Location National College of Art and Design Title of exhibition First Year Studies End of Year Show Dates 23th – 29th of May 2013 Location Light House Cinema, Smithfield Title of exhibition Kiln Paint Date 16th of January 2014 Location ‘Pop Up Gallery’, Bray to Tara Street Dart service, Dublin Title of exhibition #dArt Dates 12th – 18th of May 2014 Location Hendrons Collider Title of exhibition 3 Date 31st of October 2014 Location ‘Pop up Exhibition’, Project Space, National College of Art and Design, Dublin Title of Exhibition We’re Painters not Poster Makers Date 12th – 21st of June 2015 Location National College of Art and Design, Dublin Title of Exhibition Degree Show Date 16th of June 2015 Location Art Slant.com Title of Exhibition 3rd Showcase Winner Date 28th – 30th August 2015 Location RDS Concert Hall Title of Exhibition Student Award Show Date 9th – 11th August 2015 Location RDS Concert Hall Title of Exhibition Discover Ireland Dublin Horse Show Date 21th - 24th August 2015 Location MART Project Space, Dublin, Ireland Title of Exhibition 'Saw Dust' Awards 2015 Art Slant Prize,3rd ‘Showcase Winner’. Art Slant.com, June 2015 RDS Concert Hall, Discover Ireland Dublin Horse Show, 2015 RDS Concert Hall, Student Award Show, 2015 RDS Concert Hall, Student Art Awards, Monster Truck Studio Award, July 28, 2015 2015 Art Slant Prize, 5th ‘Showcase Winner’. Art Slant.com, June 2015 Residency Studio residency, MART Project Space, Dublin, Ireland, June - August, 2015