Karen Kucharski

Karen Kucharski

Sobre el Artista

I am a visual artist and dancer exploring the theme of relationships by combining a beauty of purpose with a beauty of form. I bring metaphors to light and revel in the grace of subtle refinement.  I use Tango imagery to highlight heart-to-heart communication and beneficial union, where united figures offer an empowering reminder that good things are possible between people. I also explore relationship dynamics having to do with ethnicity, indigenous cultures, and environmental issues. I present truths and values that I find important, such as the responsibility in sharing a land with cultures other than my own or the indelible bond of life and water. Landscapes are a reflection of energies I feel when outdoors, and in seeing patterns which create strength and beauty while making room for uniqueness in life. Landscapes juxtaposed with cultural imagery highlight circumstances about relationships, whether natural or superimposed, and again, present ways to work together. My goal is to be compassionate and rhythmic, and to create opportunities for viewers to dance between the themes presented and my resonating marks. I am a printmaker and educator by degree, and a painter and one who draws according to the ideas behind the work (or the studio available.) I also work with digital elements. I teach; I dance; I create.