Anette Lillhammar

Anette Lillhammar

Sobre el Artista

Swedish artist Anette Lillhammar unearths her subject matter from the energy of her subconscious, practicing meditation before commencing any creative work. The painter approaches the canvas with intuition over a deliberate intention. She uses acrylics on a linen canvas and will often employ her hands and fingers to mold the paint. The works themselves seem to reflect the dim, spasmodic light and deep spaces of forgotten dreams. Sometimes a human face will swim languidly to the surface of the canvas. At other times rational meaning is obscured in abstract color and odd symbols, and the viewer will find their own way to communicate with her artwork. Anette Lillhammar developed her painting principles from the ancient Vedic scribes from India. "(The scribes) tell us that just as a seed knows it will become a flower, so do we have all knowledge of ourselves and life within us ". This principle directly influences the artist`s conviction to paint without a plan.