Dina Torrans

Dina Torrans

Sobre el Artista

Dina Torrans has been working as a sculptor and multimedia artist in Toronto for over 25 years. Her award winning sculptures, paintings and photographs ?have been exhibited in numerous group and solo exhibitions and are included in many private and public collections internationally. She currently exhibits her work regularly at the Canadian Sculpture Centre in Toronto.? In addition to her artistic practice, she also works as the Creative Director at ArtDesign.to, a prized design studio, where she creates and oversees projects for both print and web. Torrans graduated with honours from the Art Centre of Central Technical School, where she subsequently worked as an instructor and technician in the Sculpture and Printmaking departments for 10 years. She has been a Visiting Artist and Instructor at numerous workshops and seminars at, among others, the McMichael Gallery and the Toronto Board of Education. ? Artist Statement I have found that in exploring the creative process, my work reflects various ideas and developments in my personal mythology. This process continues to inspire me to action and to dialoguing about our evolving world and times. It is one of my most valuable teachers.