by Dennis Dezmain

Artwork Description


78.0 x 66.0 inches

MOON DANCE - A DOCUMENTARY OF A HISTORIC SCULPTURE During my summer employment At Grumman Aircraft in 1965, I had the honor to work briefly on the L.E.M. (Lunar Excursion Module) modular landing leg, heat treatment of parts dipped into liquid nitrogen, and the fuel oxidizing tank. It was there that Neil Armstrong walked within ten feet of me and my mentor. The excitement ran thru all of us as a Saturn rocket at lift off. Little did I know that this summer employment would impact me in later years. After my military service during the Vietnam War, I worked in engineering and eventually went to F.S.U. I found myself heavily influenced by David Smith and his use of geometric forms, and later by John Henry. Further along, paralleling my employment in architecture and design, I kept vigilant in developing my direction, thoughts, and influences in sculpture. It was during my exhibition at the Karen lynn gallery (2012) in Boca Raton that I was firmly asked to create larger sculpture. That is when I asked myself what one object influenced me most in life, and that was simply the moon landing of the L.E.M. in 1969. Tapping into my memory and original photographs, the birth of Moon Dance began. After a model was made along with computerized drawings, the forging started. Measuring, cutting, drilling, sanding, grinding, welding, it was all there and I did not have a proper shop. Only a strong faith, belief, desire and inspiration. A well documented time log was followed and resulted in a total of 411 hours to completion. However, during my approximate halfway point, the gallery closed without warning. I decided to complete the sculpture and now found myself with a 400 pound aluminum artwork. There was no way that I could move it to various galleries due to financial abilities. As a result, similar to the ascending stage left on the moon, so is my Moon Dance sculpture. Grounded in my garage since 2012. However, Moon Dance can be relocated and placed for all to be reflective of our history. I can only hope that Moon Dance will inspire the viewers imagination thru the visual characteristics and emphasize the spirit of a harmonious endeavor to complete a whole unity of progress. Artistically, Moon Dance’s design was created to enhance the elements of art. The repeating lines suggest a binding of an architectural structure encompassing a modern complex geometry. The texture was sanded to reflect light and suggest an illusion of distance, depth, and a weightless halographic appearance. The configuration of quads imply energy solar panels paralleling modern residential and space applications. Movement was a visual consideration by repetitious supporting legs reinforcing a strong positive and negative spacial relationship grounded by anchored taps. I wish all viewers to understand that art can create an evolution to yourself thru visionary, motivation, and passion. Sincerely, Dennis A. Dezmain

Artwork Details

Medium: Sculpture Metal

Genre: Abstract