Suzanne K Milton

Suzanne K Milton

Sobre el Artista

I make art for people who need healing and laughter so that they can find themselves again in lightness and fun! 

I have always loved bright, bold colors and I enjoy expressing myself through them. My paintings reflect my emotions; my highs and lows. I like to paint in the abstract because emotions aren't concrete, black and white concepts. They blend together, get confused together, contradict each other and don't always make sense. I love exploring new techniques as new emotions are always looking for creative ways to be expressed. I love to create and it brings me great joy when my creations resonate with others as well!

I don't think I'm crazy, but I'm definitely a cat lady! I love shiny things, like disco balls and diamonds. I train in Krav Maga and sometimes play the drums and ride on skateboards and subways.