by Victor Arseni

Artwork Description

An orphan from Chisinau. OMNIA MEA MECUM PORTO.

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OMNIA MEA MECUM PORTO (Latin) - all my burden with a .... when you're in a strange city, St. Petersburg, loses all the money that you have collected sloggers parents for admission to the Academy of Fine Arts ...... ..... and you're at an impasse, the full !!!... neznayu what to do and with whom to consult ...???... be the same as that at least up to the house to get ...!!!.. sitting in the Hermitage and trust their thoughts and questions "Old Man in Red" Rembrandt ...... .... And now !!!... grabs his advice guys coming to you - go on Nevsky - Poricy ...!!!!.... and you go, or having anything, and not only deprived of food but also the experience to turn their talents to the livelihoods ....???!!!... very ashamed to ask for money .... .... And, O God, you have to buy as much for drawing 5 rubles, to be healthy guy! in 1990, is still a good dinner and you can buy a good pencil and paper for tomorrow !!!.... .... And you day after day to fill his hand, Americans, British, Italians - sweetest and generous people, Koreans, Chinese - zazhimistye eerie, to earn the first $ 15 and you immediately sell their enterprising Armenian, - gorgeous designer by the way:) !!!.... .... The time comes, you're not hungry, bought a lot of colors, and feel like home ..... and you're on the train "Leningrad-Chisinau "..... with a smile, remembering the magnificent" Old Man in Red ":). .... .... This incident, I remembered when I wrote now .... .... All their carry a .... ... Thank God .... Video:

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