About The Artist

1991-1997 Academy of Visual Arts(Painting) ‘I Andreescu’ Cluj-Napoca, Romania 1999 Member of ‘United Artists Organization’ Bucharest 1998 School of Visual Arts New York Solo shows: 2010 Flying Saucer, Brooklyn, New York 2007 Joya, Brooklyn, New York 2005 Romanian National Theater, Apollo Gallery, Bucharest 2004 Union Artist’s Gallery, Baia Mare, Romania 2004 History Museum, Targoviste, Romania 2004 Romanian Cultural Center, East-West Gallery, New York 2004 Romanian National Literature Museum, Bucharest 2004 Selari (Atelier 35) Gallery, Performance (action painting), Bucharest 2003 Cervantes Institute, Bucharest 1998 Romanian National Literature Museum, Bucharest 1997 Casa Matei Gallery, Academy of Visual Arts “Ioan Andreescu” Cluj-Napoca, Romania Group shows: 2015 Clover’s Fine Art Gallery, Brooklyn ,NY 2015 Agora Gallery, ‘Contemporary Perspectives’ New York, NY 2014 Agora Gallery, ‘Reconstructing reality’, New York, NY 2011 Atlantic Arts Festival, Brooklyn, New York 2004 Apollo Gallery, Bucharest Contemporary Art Salon 2003 Simeza Gallery, Bucharest Contemporary Art Salon 2002 Contemporary Art Exhibition “N. Tonita”, Barlad, Romania 2002 Biennale of Contemporary Art ”Gheorghe Petrascu”, Targoviste, Romania 2002 Sala Dalles Gallery, Bucharest Contemporary Art Salon 2001 Tishman Auditorium, New School University, New York Multi media performance (action painting) 2001 Set Design, “Here’s” Theater Festival, Lincoln Center Theater “Between Here and There” dir. Marisa Bejar, New York 1999 Open studio, School of Visual Arts, New York