Kellie Edwards

Kellie Edwards

About The Artist

Kellie Edwards. New Zealand Artist A fourth generation Kiwi from a small rural town, Kellie Edwards is most comfortable exploring rural New Zealand for her inspiration. She returned to painting after an extended period focused on home educating her three children, about the same time she began marathon running. Kellie believes this has given her greater self-discipline and patience with her art. ‘Running is often when the best ideas come and problems get solved – perhaps more blood to the brain!’ Edwards studied Art and Design at Auckland Technical Institute, finishing top of her class under the tutelage of Nancy de Freitas. She took up a scholarship placement offered by Auckland Society of Arts representatives after selectors had viewed her work at an exhibition. At the Auckland Society of Arts she majored in painting with critiques from Ian Jervois, Sue Daly and Silvia Siddell and attained her Diploma of Art in the 90s. After returning to oil painting and beginning to use pastels, Kellie has been busy exploring her interest in relationships and connections. “ I aim to create emotive pieces that give prominence to the magic found in moments, feelings or experiences in the everyday. I consider the key tools for successful pieces to be strong composition, beautiful colour and value, plus that piece of the artist that gets imbedded into each work, “the zing” says Kellie. Her award-winning work has been exhibited in national touring exhibitions and international art competitions, as well as being purchased for renowned private collections in New Zealand. Sales have prompted requests for commissioned pieces which hang in esteemed collections within New Zealand.