Dom Chastney

Dom Chastney

About The Artist

I am originally from Norwich and moved up to Yorkshire to study Fine Art at Leeds University. Since graduating in 2004, I have remained in Leeds, working as an artist and supporting myself as a painter/decorator. I am more interested in creative processes than direct depiction - building imagery through repetition and multi-layered surfaces. Experimentation with different painting/mark making methods and media is at the heart of my art practice – pouring/dripping/slashing paint, colour washes, clean edged shapes, repeated graffiti gestures, printing impressions of bubble wrap etc, embedding/stitching string, thread and mesh into the surface, sanding/sponging to reveal hidden layers, blowing/drawing into wet paint with air from a compressor, creating patterns in spray paint by ‘masking’ the canvas with washers, coins, dry pasta, hand cut plaster/acetate shapes, fabrics, wire/string etc. Some of my paintings could be internalised worlds, recalling microscopic/molecular/anatomical or planetary imagery. Others underwater/landscapes, aerial perspectives, maps, old palimpsest manuscripts or figurative forms.