Marie Josee Bergeron

Marie Josee Bergeron

About The Artist

Marie-Josée Bergeron holds a Fine Arts Diploma and a Bachelor’s Degree in Design from the Université de Quebec in Montreal. In 2014, She was named favorite artist of Spectrum Miami Contemporary Art Fair (Art Basel Week). She received a special Honorable mention from SIDIM (The International Design Show of Montreal) and was a finalist in the International Art Competition in New York City. In 2012, Bergeron was awarded the Desjardins Excellence Bursary as well as an honorable mention from the St-Hilaire Museum. Her work is present in many private collections across Quebec, and Toronto. In parrallel to her artistic practice, she has created a unique painting program that focuses on intuitive, abstract painting. Moreover for the past three years Bergeron is an active volunteer and board member of ArtsScène Montréal (BFTA Mtl, BAAM.) In 2015, Bergeron’s artworks will be exhibited in Quebec, Toronto, Miami and New York City. She is represented by Artêria gallery: STATEMENT My artistic work stems from an intimate and subjective relationship tied into the notion of identity and integration, particularly present in adopted children. Precisely, I am interested in producing images that reveal the mother-child condition and sentiments. I’m immersed in the overall concepts of transformation and metamorphosis, more precisely, I find myself fascinated by the unfolding of life’s pathway - the elements from a body’s embryonic state through birth and their changeable capabilities. The interaction and alteration with nature’s natural life force that which transcends all logic, pushes me to create an imaginary universe, a space where the multiplicity of motion acts like a renewed mantra - it grows into a spiritual quest and absolute introspection and it sets me on a journey of authenticity and truth. It is from these beginnings, and the hues & colors from a preselected palette, that I stage a visual and chromatic presentation, the brush dancing at will over the surface. I let myself go, freely and instinctively stroking the canvas, allowing shapes, lines and forms to shape random recognizable images. I remain in a state of awareness to that which emanates from my sub-consciousness. In my paintings, a shape is gradually fashioned one brush stroke spawned from the previous one - it is happenstance guiding my works to take their form. The interaction and transformation with nature’s natural life force that which transcends all logic, pushes me to create an imaginary universe, a space where the multiplicity of motion acts like a renewed mantra - it grows into a spiritual quest and absolute introspection and sets me on a journey of authenticity and truth.