by Mohammad Rakibul Hasan

Artwork Description

Dissection of Mona Lisa

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The original photograph was taken from public domain and copyright free. There was no identification of the photographer who took the picture. Mona Lisa (c. 1503 - 06) by Leonardo da Vinci is a creation during renaissance period when study of human anatomy was highly prioritized. Dissection of Mona Lisa (c. 2015) is a ready-made conceptualization to perceive again the well known best portrait of the world. In our preconception mind the image of Mona Lisa is already been set up harmonically from its original orientation. Deformation of rearrangement, psychologically can distract our vision and mind but nothing can change the real representation of Mona Lisa. The original version is a classical combination of a number of golden ratio and other coalition of compositional-aesthetical pragmatic view. Dissection here plays a role of how we perceive our common view from a window differently and how we know what we used to know from our very common consciousness.

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