Federica petri

Federica petri

About The Artist

italian Biography Federica PETRI was born in Turin on 1 July 1982. She learns painting techniques at the Art school Renato Cottini and She attends the University of Art disciplines, music and entertainment. In 2005 She began writing a collection of food for thoughts related to her paintings. She experiments different techiques that improving her skills and incorporate she in the artistic world. This facts will stimulate Federica closes to a more "esoteric" world in order to investigate about religions bringing she to be very active in social events. Petri is curious, precise and she has a quick thinking mind. From 2010 to present her artistic research regarding paintings is primarily address to the human beings. From the psyche to diversity and the coexistence among these are the main topics. Journalists define Federica the “mental artist”, because she investigates at two communication level :verbal and symbolic.For Federica, two sides of the same coin, that coexisting in every human being. In 2012 she writes a book published by Lit editions-Intent, to luglio 2014. Fear and Faith, the name of the book, explains the ways and reasons for which people could lose their conscience . She was supported by various spiritual fathers while writing her book; these meetings contribute to her human and professional growth. Eclectic artist, she studies the individual and ' groups ' and she makes it with an open gaze. One of the Her citation: "you must living art , not do it!” In life I cannot limit myself to the appearance of a gaze, but must investigate the reality in which I live. In light as in darkness, I search the deeper aspects beacause in a different way I only project the shadow of ourselves.." Ying and yang. Black and white. Light and shadow,contrasts that clashing create something. Her works always have a cryptic meaning that it is hidden to an inattentive observer. Federica Petri, you can understand her personality by looking at her works, but only with attention.