Artwork Description

Yury Salko. The Lemon Tree. 80x80. acrylic on canvas

0.0 x 0.0

Yury Salko. «The Lemon Tree» According to the opinion of the founder of analytical psychology Carl Jung, the function performed by the artist in society can be compared with the function that dream performs in the life of an individual. The artist is the medium and the spokesman of the "collective unconscious." He is, as it were, in the middle of the most ancient mythological notions of the current life, throwing bridges between them. The world is dual. This means that people are dual in their states. Passing coexists with eternal, creativity with war, anger with Love, sublime is combined with a mundane, spiritual means bodily. Faces on canvas are symbolic and significant, they are at the turn of time and eternity. They contain the reflection of spirituality and tenderness, aggression and evil, there is the expectation of goodness and light in them. People are always lofty and low-lying, rough and reverent, holy and vile. The body is a projection of the tree where the feet are the roots, the hands are the branches, the body is the trunk of the tree, and the head, this is the fruit of our tree. What are the roots, so is the fruit. The head, as a symbol of thought and our consciousness, is the fruit which we must cultivate in this life, awakening our independent creative thought. And let it be a Lemon tree with flowers and sunny fruits as the symbol of light. Without the sun the world would be nothing. The Sun is the symbol of the Lord. "Through Him we live and move and remain in existence," - stated the apostle Paul. In many spiritual traditions the Lemon is the symbol of earthly love, wealth and prosperity, as well as the inner harmony of man with himself and eternity. The artist enters the heavenly and the eternal with the help of the inner vision. The inner vision rises the person above deception feelings, by virtue of which he is enslaved in this life, earthly and temporal. He comes to the difference between being and appearance and understands the material as a means of spiritual manifestations. Thus, he sees eternal in transitory. This speculative mysticism is the common heritage of mankind. It appears wherever the human mind in a higher voltage tends to understand the relationship of the individual to the universe. We find it in Platonism, Stoicism, Christianity, Spinoza, Schopenhauer and Hegel, the Brahmans and Buddha, which reflects the image of the hand lemon, being one of the "blessed fruit of Three" along with peach and pomegranate. And let the aroma of lemon flowers amuse the mind, peel and grain heal the heart, the flesh of the fruit please the body, juice quench thirst and sunny lemon color give peace of mind and good mood.

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