Mauro Martin II

Mauro Martin Mauro Martin

OCTOBER 27, 2018

My name is Mauro Martin and I was born in Pinerolo, in the North-West of Italy. After attending Art School I studied architecture at the Turin Polytechnic. I was a pupil of both Beppe De Valle and Raffaele Ponte Corvo's. My work covers different aspects of the visual arts: painting, sculpture, photography and film-making. I always apply the "less is more" minimalist principle to all of my works, which are characterized by compositional essentiality and structural rigour as well as being enhanced by the constant use of a rule of classical origin, widely employed during the Renaissance-the Golden section.

plain people's heart

Mauro Martin Mauro Martin

OCTOBER 18, 2011

Mauro Martin is an extremely versatile artist: drawing, painting and photography are among his fields of interest and they all have a crucial common feature, composition and structure. The same rule applies to each visual language experimented by Mauro Martin: the essentiality and structural accuracy which were fundamental to artistic creation in the Renaissance. Adelinda Allegretti - Rome, Italy -