Cornelia MacFadyen

Cornelia MacFadyen

About The Artist

I paint because I breath...and I breath because I paint. People ask me how do I know what I'm going to paint, and my answer is simple... I DON'T! My paintings are an expression of what is happening in my life, but, can I tell you that I had this specific idea in mind, NO. That's because the painting already exists on the canvas when I cut the canvas. The image is there on the blank my mind's eys. Yet it's not fully formed. Do I see it clearly yet, no, but it begins to take shape at that moment. Almost as if its presence is felt, like th mist in the early morning. As I continue to prepare the canvas the image moves into focus, demaning the texture and shapes and the palette comes into existence. When it's done, I know it's finished because I can see the signature and where it belongs.